Digital Marketing Is More Than Just Blog Posts
There's no denying that the internet has had an enormous impact on the way that all businesses market themselves. The move away from traditional advertising methods to content based marketing has fundamentally shifted the dynamic between many businesses and their customers across multiple industries. The problem is that there are plenty of businesses who are already getting stuck in particular habits, even within this exciting new avenue. As crucial as content-based marketing is, that doesn't mean that your business can survive just on the back of blog posts. It's understandable that many businesses rely on these since they're about the closest thing to more traditional marketing methods and so they feel safe relying on them. But by doing that they're missing out on some other fantastic digital marketing opportunities. With that in mind, here are some new and interesting ways that you can create online content.
Social media is one of the most remarkable success stories of the internet age. The idea that sites like Facebook and Twitter would dominate so much of our lives would have seemed ridiculous, even as little as a decade ago. If you're not using it as a method of marketing your business, then you're missing out on a golden opportunity. This doesn't just mean posting ads on your Facebook page either if anything that method has been shown to have the opposite to the desired effect. Instead, you should use your social media pages to engage directly with customers. Talk to them, respond to their posts and tweets, and make jokes. By doing this, you'll create a very positive association with your customers without having to do any serious selling of your products.
Let's be honest, even with other methods coming up all the time, blog posts aren't going anywhere, and there's a good reason for that: they are a great way to share content with your customers. The problem that many businesses have is that they don't seem to know how to produce posts that are actually engaging. Use your blog to offer customers a peek behind the curtain. As a rule, people generally don't care about faceless companies, but if you can show the people behind the business, then customers are going to become much more emotionally invested in your business. If you can connect with someone emotionally then that's half the work done for you already.
Social Media
Social media is one of the most remarkable success stories of the internet age. The idea that sites like Facebook and Twitter would dominate so much of our lives would have seemed ridiculous, even as little as a decade ago. If you're not using it as a method of marketing your business, then you're missing out on a golden opportunity. This doesn't just mean posting ads on your Facebook page either if anything that method has been shown to have the opposite to the desired effect. Instead, you should use your social media pages to engage directly with customers. Talk to them, respond to their posts and tweets, and make jokes. By doing this, you'll create a very positive association with your customers without having to do any serious selling of your products.
Video posts
Online video is something that's been increasing in popularity for the last decade and change and shows no signs of slowing down. It's a fantastic marketing option since, despite the fact that much of your content might be very interesting, a lot of customers aren't interested in reading long posts. Video gives them information in a visually engaging way without them having to go through big blocks of texts. Many business have highly successful Youtube channels that allow them to create high quality content while also connecting with customers online. Of course, you want to make sure that your videos actually look good, so you want to invest in some decent equipment as well as using services like Training Connection to learn how to edit your footage.Make Your Blog Posts More Interesting
Let's be honest, even with other methods coming up all the time, blog posts aren't going anywhere, and there's a good reason for that: they are a great way to share content with your customers. The problem that many businesses have is that they don't seem to know how to produce posts that are actually engaging. Use your blog to offer customers a peek behind the curtain. As a rule, people generally don't care about faceless companies, but if you can show the people behind the business, then customers are going to become much more emotionally invested in your business. If you can connect with someone emotionally then that's half the work done for you already.
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