Stay Scure on Facebook - Testing Blogging

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Stay Scure on Facebook

Stay Scure on Facebook Now it often happens hijacking Facebook accounts; it happens not only because of cleverness of pirates, but sometimes because of your lack of attention to the security of your Facebook account.

There are three things that will help you to make your Facebook account more secure (as recommended by Facebook):

1. Log Out of Unused Apps

You aren't logged in to Facebook from a browser or app that you haven't used in over a month. You should always log out if you are not going to use more than a month.

2. Get Login Alerts

Facebook can let you know if your account is logged in to from a new device or browser. Turn on Facebook notification or send an email if your account is logged in to from a new device or browser. To perform the security settings you can go to the Security Settings.

3. Protect Your Password

The strength of your password is more important then how often you change it. Change your password if this tips could make it stronger:
  • Don't use your Facebook password enywhere else online.
  • Never share your password. You should be the only one who knows it.
  • Avoid including your name or common words. Your password should be difficult to guess.

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